Association of Fish & Wildlife Agencies 110th Annual Meeting
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Dear AFWA Membership, Partners and Friends:
For the better part of the last month I have been hoping against hope that we would all be able to get together in Sacramento this September. The chance to meet with you in person to conduct the business of conservation is one that I look forward to every year and it is difficult for me to know how I would fill the void that would be created by not convening in our usual manner.
That said, it has become abundantly clear to me that it is not in anyone's better interests to hold our business as usual during the Coronavirus crisis. This week I convened a meeting of the Association’s Executive Committee and we unanimously decided to hold the 2024 AFWA Annual Meeting virtually.
I want to mention a few important pieces of information:
We will hold the conference on September 9-11 & 14-15, 2024, so please save those dates!
The schedule is going to look different but we will make sure all of the features that you expect will be there.
Attendee registration is now open. Registration fees are significantly lower than an in person meeting.
We are seeking sponsors and exhibitors for the conference - there are a lot of great ways for sponsors to interact with attendees through the virtual platform, and we are open to creating ideas for sponsorship activation.
If you made a hotel reservation at either the Sheraton or Hyatt in Sacramento, the hotels will cancel your reservation free of penalty.
First and foremost I want to know that you are all safe and healthy. I am confident that we can successfully conduct the business of the Association even in this trying moment in history. The work of conservation that we all hold near and dear must continue and we will do everything we can to make the 2024 AFWA Vip加速器破解 Annual Meeting a success in every way.
If you have any questions, please contact Cindy Delaney at